
History of the Crusades | THE ROAD TO INTELLLIGENT

Of all the wars that have been done, none of the more fanatical than the run of the Crusades (religious war). And this holy war between Islam in Asia, which since 632 is the attacker, not only in Asia Minor and the Syrians, but also in Spain and Sicily. Viewed from another angle factor that contributed to the cause of the Crusades it was the desire to wander and the Teutonia military talent which has changed the map of Europe since they see themselves entering the scene of history. Then the destruction of the holy church is a church founded by the place where Jesus was buried before it had experienced a period revival from the grave, conducted by a caliph in the year 1009 Fatimiah, when the church was the destination of thousands upon thousands of Christians from making pilgrimages to Europe (Philip K. Hitti, 1979:209). The main reason is because people are nomadic Seljuk Turks from Turkestan (Central Asia) have been expelled by the Persians who occupied the area belongs to the Seljuk Turks, and even Asia Minor, including that they occupy.
The incident was disturbing the peace of the pilgrims who would come to Jerusalem because of the Seljuk Turks who controlled the area is very rough (Sudarsono, 1978:6). In addition, because the demand of Emperor Alexius to Comneus in the year 1095 Pope Urban II. The Byzantine emperor asking for help from the Roman coasts are pushed down to the coast by the Children of the Sea of ​​Marmora ditindasbinasakan Seljuk. In fact, Constantinople was threatened by the sons of Seljuk (Phillip K. Hitti, 1970:209). On the other hand, Pope Urban II also wanted to take a chance. He then brought the board of the French Nobility and Alim Ulama in Clermont and engage them with a passionate speech to war against the Turks. When he finished his speech the crowd reportedly shouted this with God's will. (Edward Mc Nall Burn, 1958: 342). So it may be said that the emperor Alexius keiginan which requires the return of the territory which had been by the people of Islam by Pope Urban II who wanted to reunite the West with Eastern Christians who had suffered a split, bagaikanngayung intercepted. So the following spring 150,000 people, mostly French and Norman, meet the call and gathered at Constantinople, and this is the beginning of the Crusades
Background crusade
There are various reasons that cause people to the West and then agreed to lift the cross and the holy land to go to war. Some leaders of the synagogue of the cross, of which Bohemund, the Crusades helped along by the desire to enrich themselves. Merchants from Pisa, Genoa, Venice instinct of trade saw the trade interests of the war. Talented people who are romantic, people who like traveling and adventurous who joined the people of faith have a new purpose in life. There are many people who think having a big sin, fought as a ransom for his sins. While the majority of the people of France, Ltharingen, Italy and Sicily a bad economy and social life engage in war is more of an entertainment than a sacrifice (Phillip K. Hitti, 1970:210). That is to say that the motivation for the participation of the people of Christian Europe for jihad war is not simply a factor of faith, but rather a variety of factors. But it is clear in this Crusade, the spirit of the Christian Pilgrims looking very prominent. This is partly visible at the time of the Monks of Cluny. The desire to make pilgrimages everywhere, in all directions. For those on a pilgrimage to Palestine and places of worship in which a witness of Christ's life has its own dreams.
Course of the Crusades
Pope Urban II's speech simply inflame the masses. Shouted the Lord wills them. Much later came forward to take the Cross, as sumapah to advance to the battlefield of the Cross. they then go home with a burning zeal for the holy tomb menyelamatakan back.
First Crusade (1096-1099) enough to bring results, it can reclaim the land Plestina, and then re-establish the four Christian countries, namely Jerusalem, Antioch, Edessa, and Tripoli. The nobles of France, England and other areas that memeng adventurous, do not miss also went to Palestine in order to encourage the spirit of the relatives and friends who had previously been there. There are even some who did not return, because the inheritance of land in Europe is only inherited by the eldest son, in accordance with existing laws of inheritance. So children younger strong desire to go. By leaving the homeland, they hope to find new opportunities in the land of Palestine, which the Prophet Moses is depicted as a land rich with milk and honey.
In 1144 Edessa were defeated by the Turks, so that the Christians who had remained there no longer able to survive. It is not melemahakn, but instead increases the Christians to make a renewed effort to reclaim the holy places. German king, Conrad III, and King of France, Louis VIII, gather together and mobilize the army to launch the Second Crusade (1147-1149). But the organizing power so bad that it did not produce any results. Bhakan finally, Sultan Saladin able to take back Jerusalem and Acre, the main post Christian army.
Failure on a wave of protests. Then the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa of Germany, King Philip Augustus of France and King Richard I of England combined to reconstitute the army to demolish Palestinian. However, because the three kings are jealous of each other, Third Crusade (1189-1192) even this failed.
The Crusaders were organized according to the pattern of feudalism in Western Europe. At the helm there is a king, a feudal kingdom. Underneath is the vassal, then the subordinate vassal. Kingdom is divided into several manorial, which worked by local people, which existed as half-slave. Landowners responsible for area residents manorialnya, and subject to the king.
Palestinian Christians and Muslims live side by side, and gradually learn to respect one another. the old hatred against the Muslims, which is often shown by the new pendatng start to fade, when the Christians are aware of cultural excellence and virtue Saracens.
Gradually the Christian merchants and nobles became prosperous and tolerant. Even some of them from the beginning have started to adopt the customs and procedures for a better East. Habits and tastes of the things that are luxurious and fun to grow. Bathing and shaving habits become the norm. The Europeans began to recognize the types of fruits and sayuranbaru, and preaching the things that are new to the sahabt and their relatives in the West. In this crusade is a means for the spread of Arab culture to Western Europe (Henry s. Lucas, 1993:120)

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